Support / Technical Bulletins / Technical Bulletins / 2018 / TB UK089 Quickie Attitude Power Max Speed

TB UK089 Quickie Attitude Power Max Speed


The new 9-pin motor on the Attitude Power (introduced with the Attitude VIP on the 05/2017), has many advantages such as:

  • Improved throttle response due to optical position sensor of the motor
  • Better regulation of the throttle from the start
  • Improved uphill-capacity due to new planetary gear
  • New planetary gear is more reliable than the old friction-roller gear. This will result in less motor faults on the Attitude Power

The max speed of the Attitude Power with the 9-pin motor is slightly lower (21kph instead of 23kph). Although it´s only 2kph, we want to be transparent with this and based on the benefits the new 9-pin motor offers in general, we see it as a big improvement overall.

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Literature affected:
Order Form: Yes
Website: Yes
Owner's Manual: Yes
Parts Manual: Yes

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