Support / Technical Bulletins / Technical Bulletins / 2017 / TBUK079 RXS Discontinuation

TBUK079 RXS Discontinuation


Technical Bulletin UK079 is confirmation of the official discontinuation of the Quickie RXS
commencing from 1st March 2018.

The RXS was replaced in functionality and features by the Quickie Life in 2013. Since the
introduction of the Quickie Life F, the demand for the RXS has significantly reduced and has now
reached a point where the manufacturing for the RXS is no longer viable.

The RXS will continue to be available up to 1st March 2018, after this date orders will no longer be

Spares or equivalents will be maintained and supplied for 5 years for the RXS.

A replacement product can be found in the Quickie Life. Please see below for more information on
the benefits of switching to the Quickie Life F.

For the full technical bulletin please visit

Literature affected:

Parts Manual: N/A
Order Form: RXS to be removed

If you have any questions about this bulletin, then please contact Customer Services:

Customer Support
Telephone: +44 (0)845 605 66 88 Option 2
Fax: +44 (0)845 605 66 89

Technical Service Centre
Telephone: +44 (0)845 605 66 88 Option 3
Fax: +44 (0)845 605 66 89