Support / Technical Bulletins / Technical Bulletins / 2016 / TB 0510 Jive Up new CxSM Firmware

TB 0510 Jive Up new CxSM Firmware


Description of Bulletin:

As part of our continual development of existing products we are now implementing on all Jive Up models manufactured from 3rd August 2016 onwards CxSM Firmware 4.27.

This firmware update is available upon requested if you would like to update any existing Jive Up’s you have supplied or have as a demo model. If you would like to receive this please email

Benefits to the customer:

This improvement brings a number of customer benefits:

  • Improves lateral stability of the seat when in the seated function by allowing forward tilt to go all the way to the end-stop when using the seating memory function.
  • Ability to program a trajectory function to allow the client to go to a certain position before going into any given memory function.
  • Like the Quickie Jive M2 Sedeo Ergo, it is possible to set an audible pressure relief timer reminder for the client to remind them to utilise this function.
  • When used, the Switch-5 box now changes colour in relation to the status of the function (e.g. green – function assigned; flashing green – actuator memory position running; yellow – chair in creep mode; red – chair in lockout; white – no function assigned; blue – pressure relief reminder).
  • Noise improvements due to smoother coordination between the actuator movements

Want to see if you have the up-to-date firmware?

To check what firmware is currently installed, simply:

  1. Connect your Jive Up with the dongle program and navigate to your PC programmer.
  2. Extract the existing program from the PC programmer.
  3. Select tools, followed by system logos  - a screen should now appear down the left hand side of your screen
  4. Select the + symbol on module log info, then CxSM, followed by module information

You should now be able to see which firmware the Jive Up is using

To download the full technical bulletin please click here

Literature affected:


- Parts Manual