Support / Technical Bulletins / Technical Bulletins / 2015 / TB UK052 Zippie Salsa Laterals Update

TB UK052 Zippie Salsa Laterals Update


As part of the ongoing product improvement process at Sunrise Medical, the Lateral options provided with the Zippie Salsa family have been updated. The resulting improvements provide a smaller pad, removal of any rotation under pressure, and increased positioning options.      
There are two options now available with the new style laterals. These are the standard in-line option and the new 2” inset option, which provides 1” inset for the laterals on both sides.
The new laterals can be retro-fitted to older products, and are available in the spares catalogue.
The new part numbers for the laterals are as follows:
20003005-125   Swing-away lateral support rigid - small – Pad length 125mm, incl mounting accessories - Pair
20003006-125   Swing-away lateral support inset - small – Pad length 125mm, incl mounting accessories - Pair

To download the full Technical Bulletin please click here.

Links / Attachments:

- Order Forms: Updated and available upon request form Customer Services or your Area Sales Manager
- Parts Manual: Updated

If you have any questions about this bulletin, then please contact Customer Services:

Customer Support
Telephone: +44 (0)845 605 66 88 Option 2
Fax: +44 (0)845 605 66 89

Technical Service Centre
Telephone: +44 (0)845 605 66 88 Option 3
Fax: +44 (0)845 605 66 89