Support / Technical Bulletins / Technical Bulletins / 2015 / TB 0467 - Tango Tilt Creep switch mounting assembly

TB 0467 - Tango Tilt Creep switch mounting assembly


Description of Bulletin

Through our feedback management system, we have received information that the material of the 034186 Tango Tilt microswitch mounting assembly (Aluminium) is not strong enough to fulfil the function adequately. It was deforming too easily, and the Tilt creep operation was not reliable enough. As a result the material was changed from aluminium to steel.
Also, part of the feedback was that the design of the assembly required a change in its geometry.
When mounted on the chair, it was only touching the tube and there was the risk that it could rotate.
Material changes from aluminium to steel.
In addition the geometry of 034187 (Metal switch receiver plate) has been changed to have a 180º hugging part, to prevent rotation, and it will be square shaped and wider to prevent bending.
The part number remains the same on all spares manuals, and the new part is a direct replacement for the older style going forward. Additionally, there is another small shape update to the design which is being implemented in November 2015. Again, all part numbers will remain the same.
To download the full Technical Bulletin please click here.

Links / Attachments:

- Parts Manual: Updated

If you have any questions about this bulletin, then please contact Customer Services:

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Telephone: +44 (0)845 605 66 88 Option 2
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Fax: +44 (0)845 605 66 89