Support / Technical Bulletins / Technical Bulletins / TB UK031 New Ultremo ZX tyres replace Speedruns

TB UK031 New Ultremo ZX tyres replace Speedruns


Description of Improvement:

As part of Sunrise Medical’s commitment to ongoing product development the Speedrun tyres on most manual wheelchair order forms will now be replaced by the Schwalbe Ultremo ZX tyres. This will provide a higher performing tyre choice at no additional cost. The new Ultremo ZX tyres are listed at the same price as the Speedruns on both the order forms and spares price list. 

Key Benefits of the Ultremo ZX tyre:
  • Uses a better rubber compound offering more grip whilst still offering a slick tread.
  • Is around 150g lighter per wheel for easier loading.
  • Incorporates a rubber lining down the centre of the tread adding a little puncture resistance.
  • Provides a high pressure tyre for ultimate rolling efficiency.

If you have any questions about these upgrades then please contact Customer Services:

Customer Support
Telephone: +44 (0)845 605 66 88 Option 2
Fax: +44 (0)845 605 66 89

Technical Service Centre
Telephone: +44 (0)845 605 66 88 Option 3
Fax: +44 (0)845 605 66 89

To download the full Technical Bulletin please click here.

Links / Attachments:

- Parts Manual: Available on
- Order Form:
Updates on next revision
- Brochure: N/A