Support / Technical Bulletins / Technical Bulletins / 2022 / TB UK194 - Q300 M Mini Option Update

TB UK194 - Q300 M Mini Option Update


As part of our continued effort to improve our supply chain, we have removed low running options from our Q300 M Mini order form to reduce complexity and allow us to focus resource on our most popular choices.

Challenges within the global supply chain are well documented and present our purchasing and operations team with several challenges, and more complexity within our product range only adds to these challenges. By reducing our low running order form options, we allow our team to focus their efforts on managing the supply chain of our critical options to ensure consistent delivery. The options we have removed are a very low option mix (<2%) so we hope this only causes minimal disruption to your prescriptions.

This coincides with the launch of our new Q300 R & Q300 R Mini, as options are shared between the two products and now both products and configurators are in line with their option choice.

This reduced complexity will lead to more consistent supply, ultimately reducing lead time and service to your and your customers, with the added benefit of a simpler order form that is easier to work with. These options are still available as spare parts, just no longer order form options.

Please see the PDF on the link below for a full breakdown of removed options;