Support / Technical Bulletins / Technical Bulletins / 2021 / TB UK172 - Basix2 and Rubix2 Design Updates

TB UK172 - Basix2 and Rubix2 Design Updates


At Sunrise Medical we are committed to our continuous improvement programme. Our new 2021 updates are focused on product performance which has been generated from customer feedback.

The BasiX2 and RubiX2 meet a broad range of clinical requirements, however we are introducing new updates to complement existing options. This benefits the client as it provides a wider choice to meet more clinical needs, resulting in an improved user experience.

Therefore, we are pleased to announce that the following updates will be available from the 1st November.

  • NEW Half Folding Backrest Mechanism
  • NEW Half Folding Backrest Angle
  • NEW Seat to Floor Height Settings
  • NEW Tall Backrest Option
  • JAY SHAPE Backrest and JAY SHAPE Laterals
  • Quickie Life Single Post Armrests
  • NEW Anti-Tip Option
  • NEW Anti-Tip Setting

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