Width:670mm (depending on configuration) - (67cm depending on configuration)
Length:890mm (89cm)
Seat Width:220mm - 360mm ( +/- 20mm growth) - (22cm - 36cm) ( +/- 2cm growth)
Seat Depth:240mm - 380mm ( +/- 40mm growth) - (24cm - 38cm) ( +/- 4cm growth)
Front seat height:360mm - 480mm (36cm - 48cm)
Rear seat height:290mm - 460mm (29cm - 46cm)
Tilt in Space:n/a
Backrest Height:200mm - 400mm (20cm - 40cm)
Backrest Angle:-16° - + 20°
Lower leg length:170mm - 360mm (17cm - 36cm)
Additional Growth (Depth):ability of growth with new parts
Additional Growth (Width):ability of growth with new parts
Frame Angle:90°
Frame Type:Rigid
Frame Version:0 / 3 cm abduction
Maximum User Weight:65 kg (10.3 stone)
Total Weight:from 8 kg
Crash Tested?This product has been successfully crash tested and fulfils the performance requirements for ISO 7176-19