Support / Technical Bulletins / Technical Bulletins / 2023 / TB UK 208 - Q400 M and Q500 M Noise Reduction

TB UK 208 - Q400 M and Q500 M Noise Reduction


Upon investigation by our Quality Engineer, we found that the motor mount was slightly catching on the clip used to fasten the top shroud down.


For this instance, our Quality Engineer worked with our Design Engineer to provide a fix. They reviewed this part and found that by reduced the edge of the motor mount it would ensure the mount could move up and down freely without catching on the motor clip and then eliminate the noise.


At the same time our Design Engineer reviewed the drawing and found that this noise fault could be possible on other Q400 M / Q500 M chairs. Therefore, they redesigned the motor mount to reduce the motor mount edge to ensure it would clear the top shroud clip in all circumstances.


For any chairs in the field where they are affected you can eliminate this noise by reducing the motor mount edge or replacing the part with the new design. This procedure can be completed via our Warranty Returns.