Maintenance & Support

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Unfortunately we are only the manufacturer and do not take products back. You could however consider donating the product to a charity.

Your first point of call with any problem should be the authorised Dealership where you bought your Sunrise Medical product from. Can't remember? Please contact us and we'll try to help.

Warranty information can be found in the owners manual of your product. Can't find your manual? Download a version online .

Documentation for current and discontinued products can be found in the Documentation section of Product Support. Just search for the product you need.

Please contact the authorised Sunrise Medical dealership where you bought the product from. If you cannot remember or need an alternative dealership, please contact us.

Your first point of call for any product repairs is the Sunrise Medical dealership where you purchased your product from. If you can't remember, please contact us.

Spare parts are available via our network of authorised dealerships. Please contact us to find your nearest one. Unfortunately we cannot sell spare parts direct.