Support / Technical Bulletins / Technical Bulletins / 2024 / TB UK248 - Base Noise and Link Arm Bush

TB UK248 - Base Noise and Link Arm Bush


We have been made aware via our post market surveillance and warranty process, that several QUICKIE Q400M and QUICKIE Q500M powered wheelchairs have been reported to have increased noise emitting from the base.

This has been reported on less than 10 chairs in the field, however we want to communicate this bulletin to you to allow any products in the field that are affected, to be fixed efficiently.


If you have a chair that is reported to be making increased noise emitting from the base, please review this bulletin alongside ‘TB UK240 - Q400 M & Q500 M Castor Noise’ to effectively identify the root cause.




The root cause is due to a stack up of tolerances on multiple parts in the Q400M and Q500M Chassis that surround the suspension, to allow the contact of the suspension link arm and battery box.


The occurrence of this fault is extremely low, as multiple parts used in the Q400M and Q500M all need to be on the outer side of the tolerance window for the fault to occur which is naturally very rare.



The fault is superficial and does not impact the performance or safety of the powered wheelchair, however we do acknowledge this is not as intended by our design and not welcomed by our customers and must be corrected.



Corrective Action in Production


From the 1st December 2023 all QUICKIE Q400M and Q500M Chassis are now supplied with an additional bush to eliminate the metal on metal contact and wear that could occur.




Corrective Action for chairs in the field


If you have a chair in the field that presents this issue, it can be rectified by fitting an additional IGUS Bush to the link arm assembly. They can be provided free of charge via our Warranty or Technical Services Department, and please see below for fitting instructions.



Description:                              Q400M/Q500M IGUS Bush 


Part Number:                           251618


Qty Required per chair        8




Step 1 – Wheel Removal


  1. Jack the base/battery box up and support it using blocks. 


  1. Remove the colour ring.


  1. Use a 16 mm AF stud bolt socket to loosen the 3 lug nuts.


  1. Remove the 3 studs and pull the wheel away from the hub.



Step 2 – Loosen Link Arm


  1. Remove the M12 Pivot bolt from the front castor arm.
    (Item A)


Ensure the roller stays with the bolt for refitting


  1. Allow the front castor (Item B) to completely lower down.


This will remove all tension from the link arm allow it to be removed




Step 3 – Removal of Link Arm


  1. Remove the link arm bolts and washers.
    (Item A)




Step 4 – Removal of existing Bushes


  1. With the Link Arm removed it will contain a 2 x IGIS Bush’s 
    (Fig 1)


  1. Gently extract the existing 2x IGUS Bush’s.
    (Fig 2)


  1. With both bushes removed it should be as shown.

(Fig 3)





Step 5 – Fitting of new IGUS Bushes


  1. Refit 2 x IGUS Bushes into each hole of the link arm.


  1. Insert by pushing into the link bar.  See photo. Ensure Igus bushes are fully in.


  1. A Total of 8 IGUS Bushes are required, 4 in each Link Arm. 
    Two fitted into each hole.





Step 6 – Refitting of Link Arm 


  1. Refit the link Arm. Ensure the front link bar is upright.


  1. Add threadlock to the two link arm bolts, with washers, and tighten to 22Nm. (Item A)


  1. Repfit the M12 pivot bolt and roller, raise the castor arm to align the bottom suspension hole. (Item B)


  1. Refit the wheel back onto the motor shaft and fix it safely
    with the 3 studs to a torque of 34Nm.