In September 2022 Sunrise Medical acquired the Helping Hand company, this began the process of integrating their entire seating and cushion portfolio into the Sunrise Medical and JAY family.
After a comprehensive review of both product lines, there was significant overlap with the JAY ION and the Low Zone+ in terms of technical specification and clinical features, so we have taken the decision to discontinue the JAY ION with immediate effect, to reduce the operational and sales complexity that is associated with having two similar products being used simultaneously.
Spare parts will be supported for 5 years.
Replacement Product - JAY LowZone+

• Increased positioning features such as a pre-contoured seat well and wider contouring options.
• Easier access to adaptations such as ramps and chamfer wedges.
• Wider size range.
• Wide range of covers.
• Shorter Lead Time.
Literature Updates
• The JAY ION will be removed from all
marketing literature such as brochures.
• The JAY ION will be removed from any order forms where it remains a tick box option.
• From June 2024, the JAY LowZone+ will be integrated onto QUICKIE powerchair order forms.
For any queries on any of these updates please contact your local Area Sales Manager.