Support / Technical Bulletins / Technical Bulletins / 2019 / TB0556 JAY Belts and Harnesses

TB0556 JAY Belts and Harnesses


In an attempt to improve, evolve and driven by customer feedback, we will be introducing two new different pelvic belt clamps, to attach JAY belts and other positioning items to the frame of our wheelchair’s, (which have a tube diameter of  1” or an oval tube.)

The clamps will be readily available through the EDC and will be categorised as spares.

Fitting will be made easier by simply using a 4mm & 5mm Allen key.

For the full Technical Bulletin, please visit:

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Technical Service Centre
Telephone: +44(0)845 605 66 88 Option 1-2
Fax: +44(0)845 605 66 89