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Which handbike is right for you?
Just as there are a multitude of different bicycles, there are also various handbikes that are adapted to the needs and preferences of the individual person . So it doesn't matter how old or how fit you are - it's up to you whether you just want to get from place to place faster, go on a short bike ride or actually try out a new sport. In some cases you can even operate your handbike with your foot or simply enjoy the advantages of an electric drive.
Which handbike is right for me?
To answer this, consider the following factors:
- The degree of your disability. Your mobility influences which drive is suitable for you. There are some bikes that are operated with the legs, others rely entirely on the strength of your arms, and others use a combination of these two forms.
- The purpose. There are different models depending on what you want to use a handbike for. For a jaunt through the city or in the country, it must meet different specifications than if you want to compete in a sports competition . As with ordinary bicycles, the designs also differ considerably in some cases.
- Adjustment options. Every handbike can be adjusted to a certain extent to suit the driver and his wheelchair. This includes seats, handlebars, removable frames and so on. Therefore, it is best to take a look at the models in person and try them out before you decide on one.
- Alone or in tandem. Maybe you don't want to go on your bike tour alone or you need someone to help you ride. There are tandem versions for this, which have been specially developed for people with disabilities.
- Clamp or special wheel. There are handbikes that can be clamped so that you can quickly switch between wheelchairs and handbikes. In contrast, there are the sport versions of handbikes, in which you lie in an almost horizontal position to optimise the speed.

As you've already learned, there are many different options for people with disabilities. For the sake of simplicity, however, we will focus on two types of handbikes, namely add-on handbikes and handbikes in which you lie down.
Connect and go
By simply attaching the handbike, it can be easily integrated into everyday life. At the same time, you benefit from the medical and therapeutic advantages of a handbike. Because all of your upper body muscles are strengthened, your posture improves. Long-term damage from one-sided posture and movement is prevented.
An add-on handbike can easily be attached to the wheelchair. They have an ergonomic handle and special support wheels so that you can operate them with just one hand. At Sunrise Medical, with the ATTITUDE series, we have three different models to choose from that can accompany you in everyday life. They are characterised by their lightweight construction, which makes them easier to manoeuvre.
If you want to use your muscles well, the manual version of ATTITUDE is suitable. The hybrid model, on the other hand, supports you with a small electric motor, and with ATTITUDE Power you can concentrate fully on your bike tour, because it pulls you 100% with an electric drive.

Immerse yourself in the world of sports with Quickie
Our other series, SHARK, is suitable for athletes and those who want to become one. These handbikes are not clamped on, but are independent handbikes with two rear wheels and a special, almost horizontal seat. You do everything with your arms - from the controls to the drive and brakes. Our Shark models are available in different versions.
If you want to try the sport first and have no great ambitions, the Shark RT is suitable. The height of the front fork can be adjusted variably. The model is particularly stable due to the wide wheelbase. The footrests can also be adjusted so that you can set the most comfortable position for you. In contrast, the Shark RS has been specially developed for high-performance athletes. The wheelbase is a bit narrower and the center of gravity is lower so that you can reach high cornering speeds.
No matter if you are still considering buying a handbike or if you already have one, take a look at our blog! Here we regularly publish articles on the subject of mobility and leisure.