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There is no doubt that modern technology, and specifically internet technology, has revolutionised our lives in many ways. These days, we can go online for all sorts of purposes, from accessing entertainment to communicating with loved ones, carrying out banking transactions, or learning new skills.
For those with disabilities, internet technology has provided huge benefits, one of which is the ability to access online communities within the UK and beyond. There are many online communities that you can turn to, and these provide excellent support for those with disabilities. If your disability makes it difficult to you to get involved in your local community, these online alternatives can make a huge difference.
How online communities can help
More and more of these specialist forums and communities have sprung up over recent years, and this has helped to make life easier for many people with various disabilities. There are many different ways in which these community sites can help, some of which are outlined below:
- The ability to network with other people with disabilities
- Being able to share information and stories with others
- Support, advice and information
- Access to a range of resources
- Assistance and support for carers and family members
These are just some of the ways in which these online communities can help.
Some of the great online communities you can access
There are many excellent online communities you can access if you are in the UK and have a disability. These forums provide a great means of getting support and information as well as getting to know other people with disabilities. In addition, these communities are great for family members and carers of those with disabilities, as they can also benefit from support and advice.
Some of the online communities you can choose from include:
A household name in the UK, Scope provides a valuable platform for those with disabilities as well as their families and carers. This is a community that is designed to provide support, information, advice, and the chance to network with other people in similar circumstances. With this community, you can get a huge amount of support from professionals as well as being able to chat with other people with disabilities, carers and family members of those with disabilities.
This online community is free to join, and all you have to do is register your details online. This will enable you to access a wealth of information as well as gain support and chat to other people.

Able Here
A great place to share experiences and network with others, Able Here is run by and designed for people with disabilities. This is a free-to-join and valuable community website that enables you to get support, chat to other people and get involved even if your disability restricts your ability to get out and about. You will also find a wealth of information and advice on this forum.
Disabled United
Operational since 2001, this disability online community has been providing support, advice, and resources to those with disabilities for many years. People can join the forum to chat with other people about their experiences, meet others in similar situations and get advice or share information. This is a great portal for accessing information and getting support from others. It also provides an excellent means of integrating yourself with other people if you are unable to get out and about in your local community.
The online community is completely free to join, and the registration process is simple and convenient. Once you are registered, you can access all the features of this community with ease.
The family members and carers of those with learning disabilities often require support and advice, and the Mencap online community makes it far easier to access a range of information. The Family Hub, which is the online community run by Mencap, is an excellent platform for family members and family carers. You can get information and ask questions relating to matters such as disability benefits, find out more about events and access updates, as well as getting involved with discussions on the community forum.
Family members and carers of those with learning disabilities can register at this online community quickly, easily, and completely free.
With this online community, you can support and help others as well as receive support and help simply by sharing experiences. The community offers a wide range of advice and information about everything from health issues through to benefits and disability schemes. There are hundreds of active users on the forum and tens of thousands of website visitors each year. This community provides an excellent means of communicating with others and accessing valuable information.
It costs nothing to join this online community, and the process for registration is simple and fast. You can then look forward to accessing a huge range of information and advice with ease.
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