Live without Limits Blog > April 2018 > Disability Associations in the UK

Disability Associations in the UK



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Disabled people are only too aware of the numerous challenges that can arise due to their disability. There can be financial pressures, maybe even getting into debt as a result of relying on benefit payments, or through having to take time off work; the hassles of arranging personal assistants, or booking holidays; not to mention the day-to-day challenges of accessibility and transportation.

Simply booking a holiday means substantial research to find somewhere accessible, planning how to get there, finding extra money to fund any additional requirements, packing all those extra essentials you need just to get on with everyday life. If you have a carer paid for by social services you will have to pay for them too, as well as still paying them for caring for you, unless you come to some agreement between yourselves.

One thing that can be difficult is sourcing useful equipment. Websites that offer good descriptions of the products are useful, as are reviews by other users.

The web is a great resource for finding solutions to the challenges that can be faced. There is likely to be a website that concentrates specifically on your condition but these rarely offer more generic advice in terms of finances, care, holidays and employment. For this kind of advice it is advisable to look elsewhere.


Here are some useful online resources to give you advice and support: 

Disability Rights UK

Disability Rights UK is a charity run by disabled people for disabled people. Their vision is ‘Equal participation for all’. They help people to achieve independent living and get more active. They give advice on getting work, going into volunteering, getting an education and achieving more skills. Disability Rights UK are the home of the Radar Key, which opens accessible toilets in the UK. You can buy one on the website. They are also trying to challenge people’s perceptions of disability and change the public’s attitude towards disabled people. They have lots of useful links on their website.

Visit the Disability Rights UK website.


This is the government’s website for information on disabled people’s rights. It gives information on benefits and financial help. It has a useful page where you can check which benefits you may be able to claim. It also has advice on carers, disability equipment, transport and the Equality Act.

Visit the GOV.UK website.

Disabled Living Foundation (DLF)

DLF has been helping people since 1969 and gives lots of impartial advice, information and training. It has pages focusing on daily living equipment, and services for parents of disabled children, along with a forum, fact sheets, an advice line and more. Their aim is to help disabled and older people live in their own home for as long as they wish to.

Visit the Disabled Living Foundation website.


Scope used to be the Spastic Society working for people with cerebral palsy.  Now it is working to make the United Kingdom somewhere that all disabled people can have the same opportunities as everyone else. They provide support, information and advice to more than a quarter of a million disabled people and their families every year. They also raise awareness of issues that matter. They fight for disabled people to have freedom of choice and access to everything non-disabled people have.

Visit the Scope website.


Turn2us is a very convenient site for anything financial. They have a benefit checker and a grant finder should you find yourself needing help. Grants can be found for holidays, adaptations, wheelchairs, education and people in distress. Some grants can be requested online, others submitted by post, either way all the information on how to apply is available on the website.

Visit the Turn2us website.


AbilityNet is a fantastic website that helps people of all ages and with any disability to use technology whether it is to achieve their goals at home, at work or in education. They do this by providing specialist advice services, free information resources and by helping to build a more accessible digital world. They have volunteers who will come to your home to help you get the most out of your home computer, tablet and smartphone. They also have online help so that you, your family or friends can set-up your computer with the most appropriate accessible settings. AbilityNet can also assist workplaces to make the reasonable adjustments they need.  Students in higher and further education are also supported with AbilityNet carrying out assessments to find out what technology is best suited to the students needs and helping to determine if they are eligible for Disabled Students’ Allowance. The AbilityNet website also hosts lots of useful factsheets.

Visit the AbilityNet website.

Carers UK

This is not for disabled people as such but for the people who care for people with disabilities. Being disabled often has a ripple effect on the rest of the family. Partners may be unable to work, children may have a limited life and parents may feel they have the weight of the world on their shoulders. It is estimated that 6,000 people become carers every day. This site gives help and advice to all carers, from the new ones to the ones that have been doing it for a long time. They also have groups and volunteers to enable carers to have someone to talk to.

Visit the Carers UK website

Living with a disability can be challenging, having access to these resources can help to empower you and give you the support, advice and help you need letting you get on with life.

Sunrise Medical are comitted to creating products that support you to live without limits. Our own website showcases our range of manual wheelchairs, powered wheelchairs, mobility scooters and wheelchair cushions and backrests. The website features product information, technical specifications, the option to request a free demonstration, reviews and much more. Why not take a look?